Vote. Together We Enact Change.
Change begins with casting your vote in every election. That means to enact change we must vote in local elections as well as the midterms -- not just every four years.
Yes, your vote matters!
Registering to vote doesn't take long, in fact you can do it right here.
Did you know,
Voter turnout in 2018 (midterm election) for 18-29 year olds was 36% (38% of this age group women)
Of 18-24 year olds voting in 2018,
- The Black vote was almost 29%
- The Asian vote almost 25%
- and the Hispanic vote was 23%
Less than half of 18-24 year olds are registered to vote.
Do you know someone who'll be voting for the first time this November?
It's time to make sure they're preregistered to vote!
Some states allow citizens as young as 16 to preregister to vote -- although all voters must be 18 on election day.
Go here to learn how voter preregistration works and find your state's voter registration age.
Do you want to confirm your registration?
Go here to confirm your registration status.
Did you know every state has different voter registration deadlines?
Go here to check your state's deadlines.
Be part of the solution. Together we enact change.