Hopeful New Year Wishes For Our Sun Smart Community
Hi there!
I wanted to reach out to wish you a hopeful new year, congratulate us all on getting through 2020, and personally thank you for your support of HELIADES this year.
I'm incredibly grateful for this community, the support of our partners, and your support despite the stress and anxiety of the year’s events.

From the business perspective we managed to stay productive with many thanks to your well wishes of encouragement. A few highlights we accomplished together with our partners:
- A complete redesign of the HELIADES website (home page here)
- Debut of six new products - five sun protection designs to keep your skin stylishly sun safe and a fun, ultra lightweight shopper tote to hold your essential sun protection gear with plenty of room for your mask, keys, water bottle and wallet - and groceries!
- We renewed our commitment to build an antiracist community and advance systemic change by contributing to the following organizations (read more about our efforts here):
When We All Vote is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization with a mission to increase participation in every election and close the race and age voting gap.
Hidden Genius Project trains and mentors black male youth in technology creation, entrepreneurship, and leadership skills to transform their lives towards a future where their genius is celebrated, realized, and shines every day.
Black Girls Code vsion is to increase the number of women of color in the digital space by empowering girls of color ages 7 to 17 to become innovators in STEM fields and leaders in communities. Their goal is to train 1 million girls by 2040.
Color of Change leads campaigns that build real power for Black communities, including holding corporate and political leaders accountable and advancing solutions for racial justice that can transform our world.
Center for Election Innovation & Research works to ensure that all eligible voters can register to vote, and that every vote will count. CEIR has helped states register around 10 million new voters and update nearly 14 million voter records.
2021 is off to an interesting start already. Yet we remain committed to building on the momentum you’ve helped us create.
We will continue to raise awareness about skin health and sun safety and evolve with you to optimize smart sun choices as we embrace fresh air.
We will stay the course on our decision to use 'forever UPF' fabric that is
- Made with fewer chemicals and certified safe for prolonged contact on your skin,
- Work with textile factories that are committed to using renewable energy sources, avoid toxic waste in our air and waterways, and set annual goals to reduce their carbon footprint,
- Produce by hand locally in small batches to avoid waste,
- Make in the USA --
- Even though this drives up our price point. More about our standards and values here.
May I mention, again, my gratitude for your support.
We remain committed to this community and to advocating for your sun safety and skin health - the largest organ on our bodies!).
We believe you can be sun smart and still showcase your personal style - and hope to help keep you safely out of the dermatologist’s office (except for those annual checks).
Thank you for your continued support in what was a very challenging year for all. We appreciate you. The promise of a brighter new year keeps us hopeful for the opportunity to see you soon. And in person.
Until then and always, let's keep glowing!Sharone,
We produce in the USA, working only with local factories in our community where we can observe the production process and the safety and wellbeing of the sewists firsthand. We make in small batches to avoid waste.
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