The Microbiome On Your Face?

Found this article, "Those In Menopause Should Try Probiotic Skin Care Products, Says This Derm" from mbglifestyle. It's about prebiotics and probiotics that help to feed our skin as we age naturally and from stress, environment, sun exposure, and oh yes, Menopause.

"Your microbiome is the collection of over a trillion bugs that live on your skin (yes, really; if you are curious to learn more, we have a full explainer). With a more diverse microflora—meaning: more types of microbes—comes a healthier skin barrier function, reduced inflammation, clearer complexion, and diminished dryness. Essentially your skin appearance thrives when the microbiome does."


Here's a link to the full article. It's a good, short read and worth it!

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I started Heliades with the intent to combine fashion with function by designing sun protective apparel with an elevated look that doesn't scream beach, resort or activewear. My goal is to create stylish options to protect our skin every day, for every occasion.

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