Our Skin Ages 7x Faster When We Eat Sugar

How is it possible that eating sugar could make our skin age 7x faster? Well, the culprit is fructose which is found in any form of sugar be it organic or otherwise. Fructose turns on the aging process.
I was listening to NPR the other day when I thought I heard the guest say that sugar makes our skin age 7x faster. Turns out the guest was Dr. Robert Lustig, Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology at UCSF, and he said the fructose in sugar is the reason for wrinkles.
I found it here: WBUR.org Addicted To Sugar? This Doctor Says It's 'The New Tobacco'
He says, “Sugar turns on the aging programs in your body, the more sugar you eat, the faster you age" here:
New York Times' Make 2020 The Year Of Less Sugar
Hey, it's not just skin deep.
In both articles Dr. Lustin delves in to the impact on our overall health - our metabolism, heart, brain, GI and liver function to name but a few.
Being healthy has absolutely nothing to do with what size you wear or how many pounds you weigh.
It has everything to do with happiness and the ability to live your best life 🌻
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