Sun Protection Tips During Winter Months

Should You Wear Sunscreen in Winter?
What should your sun protection routine be during the winter months? Indeed, we do need to pay attention to our skin health during winter.
There is no time to shelve your sunscreen or sun protection clothing!
According to the Skin Cancer Foundation,
Watch what founder Sharone has to say about her winter skin care routine:
Winter is a great time to pamper your skin with some extra care and detox post-holidays. Here's a list of simple DIY facial mask recipes using basic kitchen ingredients that address the most common skin issues. Link: and a quick can do message from Sharone:
Are you into keeping your skin fresh? Here's a free downloadable e-guide full of practical things to do to keep your skin fresh and yourself healthy:
Thank you! #getheligirl #wearUPF #defendyourglow
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